
(Stevenselfio) #1
Hatred Anxiety Disgust
Judgment Regret Envy
Victimization Suffering Ager
Worry Frustration Resentment
Guilt Fear Unworthiness
Depression Greed Lack

Most people see these examples and say, “Can I pick more than one?” It is
important in the beginning to work with one emotion at a time. In any case,
they are all linked together neurologically and chemically. For example, have
you ever noticed that when you’re angry, you’re frustrated; when you’re
frustrated, you hate; when you hate, you judge; when you judge, you’re
envious; when you’re envious, you’re insecure; when you’re insecure, you’re
competitive; when you’re competitive, you’re selfish? All of these emotions are
run by the same combined survival chemicals, which then stimulate related
states of mind.
On the other hand, the same is true for elevated states of mind and emotion.
When you’re joyous, you love; when you love, you feel free; when you’re free,
you’re inspired; when you’re inspired, you’re creative; when you’re creative,
you’re adventurous ... and so on. All of these feelings are driven by different
chemicals that then influence how you think and act.
Let’s use anger as an example of a recurring emotion you might choose to
work with. As you unmemorize anger, all of the other self-limiting emotions
will incrementally decrease within you as well. If you become less angry, you’ll
be less frustrated, hateful, judgmental, envious, and so on.
The good news is that you are actually taming the body to no longer run
unconsciously as the mind. Consequently, as you change one of these
destructive emotional states, the body will be less prone to live out of control,
and you will change many other personality traits.

Observe How the Unwanted Emotion

Feels in Your Body
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