
(Stevenselfio) #1

evolve and change. As long as you live by this emotion daily, you can only
think in the past.

Define the State of Mind

Associated with the Emotion

Next, ask yourself this simple question: “How do I think when I feel this
Let’s say that you want to change anger as one of your personality traits. Ask
yourself, “What is my attitude when I feel anger?” The answer might be
controlling or hateful, or it might be self-important. By the same means, if you
want to overcome fear, you might have to address the state of mind of feeling
overwhelmed, anxious, or desperate. Suffering might lead to feeling victimized,
depressed, lazy, resentful, or needy.
Now, become aware of or remember your thinking when you feel this way.
What is the state of mind that is powered by this emotion? This feeling
influences everything you do. States of mind represent an attitude that is driven
by the memorized feelings subconsciously anchored in the body. An attitude is
a series of thoughts that are connected to a feeling, or vice versa. It is the
repetitive cycle of thinking and feeling, feeling and thinking. Therefore, you
need to define your neural habit that is influenced by your particular emotional

Opportunity to Write
Become aware of how you think (your state of mind) when you are
feeling the emotion you want to change. You may pick from the list
below, or add any that are not listed. Your selection will be based on the
unwanted emotion you identified previously, but it’s natural to be in one
or more limiting states of mind relating to that emotion. So write down
one or two that resonate with you, because you will work with these in
upcoming steps.

Examples of limiting states of mind:
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