
(Stevenselfio) #1

Owning up to who we really are and what our past mistakes have been and
asking to be accepted are among the most challenging things for us to do as
humans. Think of how you felt as a child when you had to fess up to your
parents, a teacher, or a friend. Have those feelings of guilt, shame, and anger
changed now that you’re an adult? Most likely you still experience them, but
maybe not as strongly.
What makes achieving Step 3 possible is knowing that we are admitting our
faults and failures to our higher power and not to another similarly flawed
human. As a result, when we admit to ourselves and to that universal power,
there is:

No punishment
No judgment
No manipulation
No emotional abandonment
No blame
No scorekeeping
No rejection
No loss of love
No damnation
No separation
No banishment

All of the preceding acts are derived from the old paradigm of God, which
has been shrunk to the likeness of an insecure man, completely self-absorbed,
steeped in the concepts of good and bad, right and wrong, positive and
negative, success and failure, love and hate, heaven and hell, pain and pleasure,
and fear and more fear. This traditional model must be addressed, because one
must enter this consciousness with a new consciousness.
This enigma can be called innate intelligence, chi, divine mind, spirit, the
quantum, the life force, infinite mind, the observer, universal intelligence, the
quantum field, invisible power, mother-father life, cosmic energy, or higher
power. Regardless of what name you give it, you must see this energy as an
unlimited source of power within you and around you, which you utilize and
create from throughout your life.
It is the consciousness of intent and the energy of unconditional love. It is
impossible for it to judge, punish, threaten, or banish anyone or anything
because it would be doing those very things to itself.

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