
(Stevenselfio) #1

It only gives in love, compassion, and understanding. It already knows
everything about you (it’s you who has to make an effort to know and develop a
relationship with it). It has been observing you from the moment you were
created. You are an extension of it.
It only waits in hope, in admiration, and in patience ... it only wants you to
be happy. And if you are happy being unhappy, that’s fine, too. That’s how
much it loves you.
This self-organizing invisible field is wise beyond comprehension because it
exists through an interconnected matrix of energy that extends in all
dimensions in space and time, past, present, and future. It records the thoughts,
desires, dreams, experiences, wisdom, evolution, and knowledge from all of
eternity. It is an immense, immaterial, multidimensional field of information. It
“knows” much more than you and I do (even though we think we know it all).
Its energy can be likened to many levels of frequency; and like radio waves,
every frequency carries information. All of life on a molecular level vibrates,
breathes, dances, shimmers, and is alive; it is completely receptive and
malleable to our willful intentions.
Let’s suppose you want joy in your life. So you ask the universe for it every
day. However, you’ve memorized suffering into such a state of being that you
whine all day long, you hold everyone responsible for the way you feel, you
make excuses for yourself, and you mope around constantly feeling sorry for
yourself. Can you see that you can declare joy all you want, but you are
demonstrating being a victim? Your mind and body are in opposition. You are
thinking a certain way one moment; then you are being something else the
remainder of the day. Hence, can you humbly and sincerely admit who you
have been, what you have been hiding, and what you want to change about
yourself, so that you eliminate unnecessary pain and suffering before you create
the related experiences in your reality? To vacate and lay down your familiar
personality for a brief period of time and knock on the door of the infinite in a
state of joy and reverence is so much more conducive to change than allowing
your personality to be fractured by your insistent course of destiny, created by
who you were repeatedly “being.” Let’s change in joy instead of changing in

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