
(Stevenselfio) #1

belief about their restored health. The same principle applies here. Believe that
the quantum mind will answer your call and help you.
If you begin to doubt, become anxious, worry, get discouraged, or
overanalyze how this assistance might happen, you have undone everything
that you originally accomplished. You got in your own way. You blocked
something greater from helping you. Your emotions demonstrated that you
disbelieved in quantum possibilities, and therefore you lost your connection to
the future that the divine mind was orchestrating for you.
This is when you have to go back and reinstate a more powerful frame of
mind. Talk to the quantum mind as if it knows you very well and loves and
cares for you ... because it does.

Opportunity to Write
In anticipation of this conversation, write down some things you
would like to say in your surrender statement.

Examples of surrender statements:

Universal mind within me, I forgive my worries, my anxieties, and my
small-minded concerns, and I give them to you. I trust that you have the
mind to resolve them much better than I could. Arrange the players in my
world so that doors open for me.
Innate intelligence, I release my suffering and my self-pity to you. I
have mismanaged my inner thoughts and actions for long enough. I allow
you to intervene and provide a greater life in a way that is just right for

Prepare to surrender. Now close your eyes, and begin to become familiar
with what you want to say to this greater mind. Review what you have written
so that you can take your limitations to it. The more present you are, the more
focused you can become. As you begin to inwardly recite your prayer,
remember that this invisible consciousness is watchful and aware of you; it
notices everything that you think, do, and feel.
Ask for help, and turn over your unwanted state of mind. Next, ask the
universal consciousness to take this part of you and reorganize it into

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