
(Stevenselfio) #1

something greater. Once you do, then hand it over to this higher mind. Some
people mentally open a door and pass it through, others hand it over in a note,
while some place it in a beautiful box, then let it dissolve into the higher mind.
It doesn’t matter what you imagine. I just simply let it go.
What matters is your intention—that you feel connected to a very loving,
universal consciousness, and that you begin to become free from your old self
with its help. The more purposefully you are able to manage your thoughts and
the more you can feel the joy of being free from this condition, the more you
are matching a greater will, its mind, and its love.
Give thanks. Once you have completed your prayer, remember to give
thanks ahead of the manifestation. When you do, you are sending a signal into
the quantum field that your intention has already come to fruition.
Thankfulness is the supreme state of receivership.



Now you’re ready to do your Week Two meditation. Here’s a
suggested way to move through all the steps you’ve learned. If you feel
that you already did any of these actions while you were reading and
journaling, just go ahead and repeat them during your meditations. You
may be surprised by the results.

Step 1: First, go through your induction technique and continue
to become more and more used to this process to enter the
subconscious mind.
Step 2: Next, by becoming aware of what you want to change
about yourself in mind and body, “recognize” your own
limitations. That is, define a specific emotion that you want to
unmemorize and look at the associated attitude that is driven by
that feeling.
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