
(Stevenselfio) #1

unwiring of nerve cells. Similarly, you stop the same genes from being
signaled in the same ways.
If you’ve struggled with the idea of surrendering control, this step allows
you to more consciously and judiciously take back the reins in order to
break the habit of being yourself. When you become masterful at being able
to redirect yourself, you’re building a solid foundation on which to create
your new-and-improved self.

Redirecting: Play the Change Game

During your meditations this week, take some of the situations you came
up with in the step just before, and as you picture them or observe yourself
in your mind, tell yourself (out loud), “Change!” It’s simple:

1. Imagine a situation where you are thinking and feeling in an
unconscious way.
... Say “Change!”
2. Become aware of a scenario (with a person, for example, or a thing)
where you could easily fall into an old behavior pattern.
... Say “Change!”
3. Picture yourself in an event in your life where there is a good reason to
fall short of your ideal.
... Say “Change!”

The Loudest Voice in Your Head

After you remind yourself to stay conscious throughout your day, as you
learned in the previous step, you can now use a tool to change right in the
moment. Whenever you catch yourself in real life thinking a limiting
thought or engaging in a limiting behavior, just say “Change!” out loud.
Over time, your own voice will become the new voice in your head—and
the loudest one. It will become the voice of redirection.
As you repeatedly interrupt the old program, your efforts will begin to
further weaken the connections between those neural networks that make

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