
(Stevenselfio) #1

Can you maintain the change in your life so that your body does not
return to the same mind? Since emotions are stored in the subconscious
memory system, it is your job to consciously keep your body aligned to
your new mind so that nothing in your environment emotionally hooks you
back to the old reality. You must memorize your new self and insist on
being it, so that nothing in your present reality can move you from it.
Remember that when you get up from your meditation, if you did it
properly, you will advance from thinking to being. Once you are in that
state of being, you are more prone to do and think equal to who you are

To Demonstrate Is to “Be It” All Day Long

In a nutshell, demonstration is living as if your prayers have already been
answered. It is rejoicing in your new life with a new level of expectation
and excitement. It is reminding yourself that you must be in that same state
of mind and body that you were in when you created your new ideal. You
cannot create a new personality in your meditation and then live as the old
self for the rest of the day. It would be like eating a really healthy meal in
the morning and then spending the rest of the day snacking on junk food.
In order for a new experience in reality to happen to you, you have to
match your behavior with your goal; you align your thoughts and your
deeds. You must make choices that are consistent with your new state of
being. When you demonstrate, you physically apply what you have
mentally rehearsed, getting the body involved and making it do what the
mind has learned.
Therefore, in order for you to see the signals unfolding in your life, you
must live and be in the same energy that you created from. Simply put, if
you want the universe to begin to talk back to you in new and unusual
ways, the energy and the mind that you demonstrate in your life must be the
same as the energy and mind of your meditation as that new ideal. This is
when you are connected with or entangled to the energy you created in a
dimension beyond space and time, and this is how you attract the new event
into your life.

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