
(Stevenselfio) #1

When both aspects of the self are aligned, the “you” living in the “now
life” is the same being you constructed during your meditation. You are
being the future you that existed as a potential in the quantum field. And
when the new self that you created in your meditation is the exact same
electromagnetic signature as the future you that you are being in your life,
you are unified to that new destiny. When you are physically “being one
with the future you in the now moment” that you dreamed about, you will
experience the bounty of a new reality. There will be a response from a
greater order.

Look Forward to Feedback

The feedback you experience in your life is the result of matching the
state of being/energy of your creative process to the state of being/energy of
your demonstrative process. It is “being” that being you invented in this
particular plane of demonstration. You have to live in that line of time in
present physical reality. Thus, if you maintain that modified state of mind
and body the entire day, something different should show up in your life.
And what type of feedback should you begin to witness? Look forward to
synchronicities, opportunities, coincidences, flow, effortless change, better
health, insights, revelations, mystical experiences, and new relationships, to
name a few. New feedback then will inspire you to keep doing what you
have been doing.
When external feedback occurs as a result of your internal efforts, you
will naturally correlate whatever you were doing inside of you with
whatever happened outside of you. This is a novel moment in and of itself.
It basically shows evidence that you are now living by the quantum law.
You become astonished that the feedback that you are experiencing is the
direct result of the internal workings of your mind and emotions.
When you correlate what you did in the implicit world with the explicit
manifestation, you will pay attention and remember whatever you did
earlier to produce that effect, and you will do it again. And when you can
connect your inner world with the effects in the outer world, you are now
“causing an effect” instead of living by cause and effect. You are creating

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