
(Stevenselfio) #1

Here is the test: Can you be the same person in your external
environment that you were being in your internal one, while you were
meditating? Can you be greater than your present environment, which is
connected to your past personality, memories, and associations? Are you
able to cease your routine reactions to the same situations? Have you
conditioned your body and molded your mind to be ahead of the present
reality in front of you?
This is the reason why we meditate. To become someone else in our

Demonstrate the New-You Plan into the Equation of Your Life

Remind yourself that during the day, you will keep your energy up as the
new you. Here you are to prompt yourself to stay conscious at different
times in your waking hours. You can prime yourself to place little notes in
consciousness on the canvas of your life.
For example:
I want to give thanks for different aspects of my life while I take
my morning shower. I have to stay on track while I drive to work, so
I’m going to be joyous during the whole trip. How will I be as this
new ideal when I see my boss? Let me remind myself to take a
moment at lunch and remember who I want to be. When I see my
kids this evening, I will be elevated and have abundant energy, and
we’ll truly connect. I want to take a minute while I get ready for bed
and remind myself who I am being.

End-of-the-Day Questions

These questions are a simple way to review your display of the new self
when the day is over:

How did I do today?
When did I fall from grace, and why?
Who was it I reacted to, and where?
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