
(Stevenselfio) #1
When did I “go unconscious”?
How can I do better the next time that happens?

Before you go to bed, it might be a nice idea to contemplate where it was
during your day that you lost your new ideal. Once you can see the obvious
place in your life that stimulated you to fall into oblivion, ask yourself these
simple questions: “If this situation happened again, how would I do it
differently?” and “What piece of knowledge or philosophical understanding
could I apply to this circumstance if it arose again?”
Once you can come up with a solid answer and attend to it with a bit of
thoughtfulness, you will be mentally rehearsing a new element that rounds
out another part of you. You will be putting the new neural network into
your brain to prepare you for the event at some future time. This little move
will assist you in upgrading and refining the model of the new-and-
improved you. You then can add that into your morning or evening

Being Transparent: Going from the Inner to the Outer

When you are transparent, how you appear is who you are, and your
internal thoughts and feelings are reflected in your external environment.
Having achieved this state, your life and your mind are synonymous. It is
your final relationship between you and all of your outward creations. This
means that your life reflects your mind in all arenas. You are your life, and
your life is a reflection of you. If, as quantum physics suggests, the
environment is an extension of the mind, this is when your life reorganizes
itself to reflect your new mind.
Transparency is a state of true empowerment, in which you have realized
(made real) your dream of personal transformation. You have gained
wisdom from experience, and are greater than the environment and your
past reality.
The telltale sign of becoming transparent is that you do not have many
overly analytical or critical thoughts. You wouldn’t want to think that way.
It would take you away from your present state. Since the side effect of
transparency is true joy, more energy, and freedom of expression, any

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