
(Stevenselfio) #1

thought that is connected to an ego drive would lower the elevated feeling
within you.

There Will Come a Moment ...

When your life begins to unfold with new and wonderful events, there
will come a moment that you will be in awe, wonder, and utter wakefulness
when you realize it was your mind that created them. In your rapture, you
will look back from this vantage point at your entire life, and you will not
want to change anything. You will not regret any action or feel bad about
whatever has happened to you, because in that moment of your
manifestation, it will all make sense to you. You will see how your past got
you to this great state.
As the result of your efforts, the consciousness of the greater mind has
begun to be your conscious mind; its nature is becoming your nature. You
naturally become more divine. This is who you really are. This is your
natural state of being.
Equally, as the invisible giver of life begins to move through you, you
will feel more like yourself than you have in a long time. Those traumas
that produced emotional scars knocked your true personality from its center.
You became more complicated, more polarized, more divided, more
inconsistent, and more predictable. When you unmemorize those survival
emotions that naturally lower the frequency of the mind and the body, you
are lifted to a higher electromagnetic expression, and a greater frequency is
now turning you on. And you free yourself by unlocking the doors to make
room for a greater power to become you.
Finally, it is you and you are it. You are one. And you feel a coherent
energy called love. It is the within that then manifests an unconditional

Once you connect to and drink from the well of consciousness, you might
experience a real paradox. It is quite possible that there will come such a

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