
(Stevenselfio) #1

sense of personal wholeness that you will find it difficult to want anything.
This dichotomy was a veritable realization for me.
Wants and desires come from lacking something, someone, someplace, or
some time. In being truly connected to this consciousness, I have had
moments that it was hard to think about anything else because I felt so
great. I felt so complete that any thought that would take me away from it
would not be worth my moving from this place.
So the irony is that once you arrive at this space to create from, you no
longer need anything, because the lack and emptiness from which you
desired those things has been eliminated, replaced by a feeling of
wholeness. As a result, you just want to linger in the feeling of balance,
love, and coherence.
This, I feel, is the beginning of true unconditional love. Feeling a sense
of love and awe for life without needing anything from outside of us is
freedom. It is no longer being attached to external elements. It is a feeling
that is so coherent that to judge another or to emotionally react to life and
change from this state is compromising self. This is when the greater
consciousness that we are all connected to begins to move out of us, and we
begin to express this through us. We move from human toward divine. We
become more like it. We become more loving, more mindful, more
powerful, more generous, more intentional, more kind, and healthier. That’s
its mind.
Something else amazing begins to occur as well. When you feel elevated
and joyful, you will feel so wonderful that you will want to share the feeling
of what you are experiencing with someone. And how do you share such
great feelings? You give. You think, I feel so superb and uplifted that I want
you to feel the way I feel. So here is a gift. And you will begin to give so
that others can feel the gift that you’re expressing from within. You are
selfless. Imagine a world like that.
If, however, you can fashion a new reality from this internal order of
wholeness, you must know that you will be creating from a state of being in
consciousness that is no longer separate from whatever it is you desire. You
are in absolute oneness with your creation. And if you can slip into it
naturally, and forget about everything that is tied to the old you, you will
feel such a sense of exuberance that you will begin to know that the
creation you are focusing upon is yours. It will feel like hitting a tennis ball

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