
(Stevenselfio) #1

in the sweet spot or parallel parking without mirrors within inches of the
curb. It just feels right. You somehow know.

This is how I end my daily meditation, and I offer it to you as a
Now close your eyes. Become aware that there is an intelligence
that is within you and all around you. Remember that it is real.
Contemplate that this consciousness is noticing you and is aware of
your intentions. Recall that it is a creator that exists beyond space
and time.
In your journey past the cravings of the body and the nuances of
the ego mind, you have made it to this final step. So if in fact this
consciousness is real and it exists, ask for a sign to let you know that
you made contact with it. Say to the creator, “If I emulated you in
any way as a creator today, send me a signal in the form of feedback
in my world to let me know that you were noticing my efforts. And
bring it in a way that I least expect, that wakes me up from this
dream, and leaves no doubt that it has come from you, so that I am
inspired to do this again tomorrow.”

Let me remind you of what I stated in the chapter on the quantum. If the
feedback comes to you in a way that you could have expected or predicted,
then it is nothing new. Resist the temptation to ascribe novelty and
unpredictability to what you know deep in your soul to be the familiar. In
your new life, you must be startled and, in a sense, taken unaware—not by
what came to you, but by how it came about.
When you experience surprise, you wake up from the dream, and the
novelty of whatever is happening to you is now so thrilling that it captures
all of your attention. You are lifted out of your normal feelings. To “leave
no doubt” means it has to be so cool and fun that you know that what you
are doing is actually working. You want to know that this unusual event is
coming from this greater mind and that it can’t be anything else.

The Ultimate Experiment

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