
(Stevenselfio) #1

nexus of a great creative power, the “I am.”
To biologically, energetically, physically, emotionally, chemically,
neurologically, and genetically change ourselves and to stop living by the
unconscious affirmation that competition, strife, success, fame, physical
beauty, sexuality, possessions, and power are the be-all and end-all in life is
when we break from the chains of the mundane. I fear that this so-called
recipe for ultimate success in life has kept us looking outside of ourselves
for answers and true happiness, when the real answers and true joy have
always been within.
So where and how do we find our true self? Do we create a persona that
is shaped by associations with the outer environment, which perpetrates the
lie? Or do we identify with something within us that is as real as everything
outside us, and create a unique identity, which has awareness and a mind
that we can emulate?
That’s right—it is that infinite resource of information and intelligence,
personal and universal, that is intrinsic to all human beings. It is an
energetic consciousness that is filled with such coherence that when it
moves through us, we can only call it love. When the door opens, its
frequency carries such vital information that it changes who we are from
within. This is an experience that I have humbly learned to live for.
It is my hope that you know that you always have access to it, if you
choose. But if you live life as a materialist, then you will struggle with its
existence. Why? Well, realists will use their senses to define reality; and if
they can’t see it, taste it, smell it, touch it, or hear it, then it doesn’t exist,
right? This duality is a perfect scheme for keeping people lost in the
illusion. Just keep their attention on an outer reality that is ultimately so
sensually pleasurable or chaotic, and going within will seem too difficult.
Your attention is where your energy is. Put all of your attention on the
external, material world, and that becomes your investment in reality. On
the contrary, command your mindfulness to unfold a deeper aspect of
yourself, and your energy will expand that reality. You, as a human being,
have the freedom to place your awareness on anything. To develop your
ability to manage and properly use this abundance of power is the gift.
Wherever you put your thoughts and your awareness becomes your reality.
If you stop believing that thought is real, you will fall back into
materialism and stop doing the work. You’ll simply choose some emotional

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