
(Stevenselfio) #1

addiction or habit for immediate gratification and then talk yourself out of
Herein lies the dilemma: The future reality we create in our minds does
not yet provide any sensory feedback, and by the quantum model, our
senses should be the last to experience what we create. For this reason,
many of us make materialism our law once again, and we go unconscious.
I want to remind you that all things material come from the invisible field
of the immaterial, beyond space and time. Simply said, by planting seeds in
this world, you see that in time they bear fruit. If you can experience a
dream so completely in mind and emotion within the inner world of
potentials, then it has already happened. So just surrender; it has to sprout
into your outer life. It is the law.
But here is the hardest part of this whole process: making or taking the
time for your precious self to actually do it.
That’s it. We are divine creators. It is what we do when we are inspired
and pressed to know more. But you and I are also creatures of habit. We
develop habits for everything. We possess three brains that allow us to
evolve from knowledge to experience to wisdom. To make whatever we
learn implicit through the repetition of experience, we can teach the body to
become the mind—that is our definition of a habit.
The problem is that we have developed habits that limit our true
greatness. The survival emotions, which are so addictive, cause us to live
with limitation, feeling separate from the Source, and forget we are creators.
In fact, the corresponding states of mind that correlate with stress truly are
the reasons why we are controlled by our emotions, live by a lower
denominator of energy, and are enslaved by a set of beliefs rooted in fear.
These so-called normal psychological states have been accepted by most as
ordinary and common. They are the real “altered states” of consciousness.
Hence, I want to emphasize that anxiety, depression, frustration, anger,
guilt, pain, worry, and sadness—the emotions regularly expressed by
billions of people—are why the masses live life knocked out of balance and
altered from the true self. And maybe the supposed altered states of
consciousness achieved in meditation during true mystical moments are
actually “natural” human states of consciousness that we should strive to
live by on a regular basis. I accept that contention as my truth.

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