
(Stevenselfio) #1

having new experiences and gaining new insights—is simply a matter of
breaking the habit of being oneself. When you overcome your senses, when
you understand that you are not bound by the chains of your past—when
you live a life that is greater than your body, your environment, and time—
all things are possible. The universal intelligence that animates the
existence of all things will both surprise and delight you. It wants nothing
more than to provide you with access to all you want.
In short, when you change your mind, you change your life.

And a Child Shall Lead Them

Before we move on, I’d like to share a story that illustrates just how
powerful and effective being in contact with the greater intelligence can be
in making change an integral part of your life.
My children, now young adults, have used a meditation similar to the
process I will describe to you in Part III of this book. As a result of
practicing these techniques, they’ve manifested some remarkable
adventures. Since their childhood, we’ve had an agreement that they work
on creating material things or events that they want to experience. However,
our rule is that I don’t interfere or assist with producing the outcome. They
have to create intended realities on their own, using their minds and
interacting with the quantum field.
My 20-something daughter studies art in college. It was springtime, and I
asked what she wanted to manifest during an upcoming summer break. She
had a laundry list! Instead of the typical college-student-home-for-the-
summer job, she wanted to work in Italy, learn and experience new things,
visit at least six Italian cities, and spend one week in Florence, since she
had friends there. She wanted to work for the first six weeks of the summer,
making a decent wage, then spend the rest of the break at home.
I commended my daughter for her clear vision of what she wanted, and
reminded her that universal intelligence would orchestrate the way her
dream summer would manifest. She would take care of the “what”; a
greater consciousness would handle the “how.”
Since my daughter is practiced in the art of thinking and feeling ahead of
the actual experience, I merely reminded her to not only set an intention

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