
(Stevenselfio) #1

Of course, my daughter was hired. Get this: not only would she be paid
to teach (all expenses covered), but she would be in six different cities in
Italy for six weeks, spend the last week in Florence, and be able to be home
for the second half of the summer. She manifested her dream job and every
aspect of her original vision.
This wasn’t a case of a young woman pursuing this opportunity with the
traditional dogged determination to find a program—searching the Internet,
hounding professors, and so forth. Instead of following cause and effect, my
daughter changed her state of being to the extent that she was causing an
effect. She was living by the quantum law.
As she electromagnetically connected to an intended destiny that existed
in the quantum, her body was then drawn to the future event. The
experience found her. The outcome was unpredictable, it came in a way that
she in no way expected, it was synchronistic, and there was no doubt that it
was the result of her internal efforts.
Think about that for a moment. What opportunities are out there waiting
to find you? Who are you being in this moment ... and every other
moment? Is your being that way going to attract to you all that you desire?
Can you change your state of being? And once you inhabit a new mind,
can you observe a new destiny? The answers are what the rest of this book
is all about.

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