
(Stevenselfio) #1

Otherwise, by repeatedly thinking and feeling the same way you did the
day before, and the day before that, you will continue to create the same
circumstances in your life, which will cause you to experience the same
emotions, which will influence you to think “equal to” those emotions.
Going out on a limb here, permit me to compare this situation to the
proverbial hamster in a wheel. As you continually think about your
problems (consciously or unconsciously), you will only create more of the
same type of difficulties for yourself. And maybe you think about your
problems so much because it was your thinking that created them in the first
place. Perhaps your troubles feel so real because you constantly revisit
those familiar feelings that initially created the problem. If you insist on
thinking and feeling equal to the circumstances in your life, you will
reaffirm that particular reality.
So in the next few chapters, I want to focus on what you need to
understand in order to change.

To Change, Be Greater Than
Your Environment, Your Body, and Time

Most people focus on three things in life: their environment, their bodies,
and time. They don’t just focus on those three elements, they think equal to
them. But to break the habit of being yourself, you have to think greater
than the circumstances of your life, be greater than the feelings that you
have memorized in your body, and live in a new line of time.
If you want to change, you must have in your thoughts an idealized self
—a model that you can emulate, which is different from, and better than,
the “you” that exists today in your particular environment, body, and time.
Every great person in history knew how to do this, and you can attain
greatness in your own life once you master the concepts and techniques to
In this chapter, we’ll focus on how you can overcome your environment,
and lay some groundwork for the two chapters that follow, in which we’ll
discuss how to overcome your body and time.

Our Memories Make Up Our Internal Environment

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