
(Stevenselfio) #1

personality, and then to recondition the body to a new mind.
It’s easy to feel hopeless when we realize that the chemistry of our
emotions has habituated our bodies to a state of being that is too often a
product of anger, jealousy, resentment, sadness, and so forth. After all, I’ve
said that these programs, these propensities, are buried in our subconscious.
The good news is that we can become consciously aware of these
tendencies. I’ll deal more with this concept in the pages ahead. For now, I
hope you can accept that to change your personality, you need to change
your state of being, which is intimately connected to feelings that you’ve
memorized. Just as negative emotions can become embedded in the
operating system of your subconscious, so can positive ones.

By Itself, Conscious Positive Thinking Cannot
Overcome Subconscious Negative Feelings

At one time or another, we’ve all consciously declared: I want to be
happy. But until the body is instructed otherwise, it’s going to continue
expressing those programs of guilt or sadness or anxiety. The conscious,
intellectual mind may reason that it wants joy, but the body has been
programmed to feel otherwise for years. We stand on a soapbox
proclaiming change to be in our best interests, but on a visceral level we
can’t seem to bring up the feeling of true happiness. That’s because mind
and body aren’t working together. The conscious mind wants one thing, but
the body wants another.
If you’ve been devoted to feeling negatively for years, those feelings
have created an automatic state of being. We could say that you are
subconsciously unhappy, right? Your body has been conditioned to be
negative; it knows how to be unhappy better than your conscious mind
knows otherwise. You don’t even have to think about how to be negative.
You just know that it’s how you are. How can your conscious mind control
this attitude in the subconscious body-mind?
Some maintain that “positive thinking” is the answer. I want to be clear
that by itself, positive thinking never works. Many so-called positive
thinkers have felt negative most of their lives, and now they’re trying to
think positively. They are in a polarized state in which they are trying to

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