dynamics, including the presence of certain grazers and the
prevalence of competitors.
For the best possible ecological outcomes, coral restoration
should be combined with other measures such as habitat pro-
tection. Restoration strategies must also take into consideration
the genetic consequences of their design and implementation.
The methods with which practitioners select, rear, propagate,
and manipulate corals for restoring degraded reefs will have
consequences for the survivorship of outplants and resilience
of restored populations. Understanding the genetic and demo-
graphic properties that influence the ability of populations to
adapt to rapidly changing selective pressures will help practitio-
ners design and implement optimal strategies. Finally, to miti-
gate the negative impacts of rapid climate change on coral reef
ecosystems, carbon emissions need to be reduced.
Despite the challenges that lie ahead, there is reason for hope. For
the first time in a long time, we have research that suggests the world’s
corals can recover from the devastation they’ve endured—with some
help. Already, hundreds of millions of dollars are being devoted to
coral reef restoration around the world. Now, we’ve demonstrated a
way to successfully invest those funds: a microfragmentation-fusion
approach that provides the basis for quickly restoring coral popula-
tions to a sexually mature, potentially self-sustaining state, fundamen-
tally changing the paradigm for coral restoration science. J
Hanna R. Koch is a Mote Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Mote
Marine Laboratory’s Elizabeth Moore International Center for
Coral Reef Research & Restoration in Summerland Key, Flor-
ida. Mote Senior Scientist Erinn Muller is Manager of both the
Coral Health & Disease Research Program and the Coral Resto-
ration Program. Michael P. Crosby is a Senior Scientist and the
president & CEO of Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium.
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