Scientifically groundless regulations could undercut the potential of
gene-edited crops, much as they have with GMOs.
hen it comes to modern
agricultural biotechnology,
Europe’s caution has been
slowing progress for more than two decades.
It started in the 1990s, when Europe began
rejecting crops modified using recombinant
DNA, or DNA from other species—crops
branded as genetically modified organisms
(GMOs). Now it is doing the same for gene-
edited crops improved using CRISPR.
European scientists have objected to this
new blockage, but they are not the only ones
paying a price.
Using CRISPR, researchers are now
working to make crop plants that have
higher yields, resist disease or stress, or are
tastier, more nutritious, or more convenient
than cconventionally bred varieties. As
farmers seek to adapt to climate change,
gene editing could become an even more
valuable tool in agriculture—if regulators
will allow it.
Decades ago, it was transgenic
modification that seemed poised to
help increase drought tolerance, disease
resistance, and crop yields, and to curtail
insecticide use. But consumers in Europe
were scared away from the resulting GMO
foods by activist organizations, while
governments stifled the products with strict
regulation; most farmers there have never
planted them. GMO consumer foods are
also not imported into Europe, due to a
burdensome tracing rule that requires all
operators in the marketplace to maintain,
for five years, a record of every single
GMO they handled, where it came from,
and where it went. Rather than take on
this logistical nightmare, food companies
in Europe reformulated their products
completely away from GMO ingredients,
and those exporting to Europe now do
the same or plant no GMOs at all. In the
US, where GMO regulations are more
permissive, farmers have planted GMO
cotton, plus GMO corn and soybeans
(mostly for animal feed and auto fuel), but
they voluntarily avoid GMO wheat, rice,
and potato, partly for fear of encountering
commercial rejections in Europe.
As I discuss in my new book, Resetting
the Table, Europe’s policies ignore a consen-
sus among science academies around the
world—including in Europe—that GMO
crops pose no new risks either to human
health or to the environment. Even the
European Commission concurs with this
view, concluding in a 2010 analysis that
“biotechnology, and in particular GMOs, are
not per se more risky than e.g. conventional
plant breeding technologies.”
Now Europe’s rejection of new
agricultural biotechnology is being repeated
for gene-edited crops. First reported in
2012, CRISPR should have been less
controversial than transgenic work because
it does not rely on bringing in genes from
unrelated species, and it closely resembles
the natural process of genetic mutation.
The EU’s own advocate general offered
a preliminary nonbinding opinion that
CRISPR crops should not fall under the
strict regulatory requirements of Europe’s
GMO Directive, but the European Court of
Justice in Luxembourg (the EU equivalent
of the US Supreme Court) concluded in
2018 that gene-edited organisms should be
regulated like GMOs.
This ruling hit European crop scientists
hard. The European Academies Science
Advisory Council (EASAC) called the
decision a “setback for cutting-edge
science and innovation in the EU.” In
October 2020, the European Federation
of Academies of Sciences and Humanities
said crops improved through “targeted
genome edits, which do not add foreign
DNA” were no more dangerous to human
health or the environment than crops
developed through classical breeding.
If the EU does not modify its GMO
Directive to make more room for gene-
edited crops, European regulations will
again begin constraining a new farming
technology worldwide, especially in
developing countries that produce for the
European market. EASAC emphasized
the potential for damage to developing
countries that “stand to benefit most from
crops that better withstand the devastating
effects of climate change.”
At a time when progressive Europeans,
alongside Americans, have been telling
the world to “follow the science” on
climate change, and on COVID-19, it is
disappointing to see the same principle not
applied to crop biotechnology. J
Robert Paarlberg is an associate in the
Sustainability Science Program at the
Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
Read an excerpt of Resetting the Table:
Straight Talk About the Food We Grow
and Eat at the-scientist.com.
Knopf, February 2021
Europe Is Sinking Biotech—Again