The life science business of Merck
KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
operates as MilliporeSigma in the
U.S. and Canada.
The Scepter™ 3.0 Automated
Handheld Cell Counter
Upgrade yourr tissue culture room by getting accurate
cell counts quickly, and recording results digitally. Our
Scepter™ 3. 0 handheld cell counterr combines smart
capabilitieswith the Coulterr impedance principal to
hand you precise, consistent counts inseconds.
© 2020 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/
orrits affiliates. All Rights Reserved. MilliporeSigma
and the vibrant M aretrademarks offMerck KGaA,
Darmstadt, Germany orr itsaffiliates. All other
trademarks are theproperty offtheirr respective
owners. Detailed information on trademarks is
available via publicly accessible resources.
Accuracy you can count on,
smarter than ever.
To learn more, visit