
(singke) #1
Photograph by John Urban

Who will hate it
Some people get bored with rowing in a matter of seconds. Others are intimi-
dated because rowing is not as natural as walking, running, or biking. We know
one guy who smacked the handle into his forehead over and over again until
some kind soul in the gym showed him the proper form.

Rowing-machine user tips
Experienced rowers make rowing look easy, but when you actually sit down
at the machine, you may find that it takes a fair amount of coordination. Here
are some tips to fine-tune the motion:

Think legs, legs, legs.Concentrate on initiating the movement with your
buttocks rather than your lower back. Don’t fully straighten your knees.
Even when you’re completely extended, your knees should be a little soft.
Don’t round your back.Hunching over is the way to give yourself back
pain. Don’t lean all the way back at the end of the stroke, either. You’re
in proper position when your upper body is leaning backward about 45

Pull the handle in a smooth, continuous stroke.Don’t stop at the most
stretched-out and bent positions.


Figure 9-6:
rowing is a
activity, its
makes it a
good fit for

Chapter 9: Using Cardio Machines 145

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