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Still a few handy techniques can help you navigate hilly terrain. When you
climb a steep slope, kick the front of your snowshoe into the snow and stomp
down to compact the fluffy stuff. To avoid slipping, make sure that each new
step is distinct from the previous one. When snowshoeing downhill, keep your
knees slightly bent and lean back a bit so your weight is on your heel cleats.

Snowshoeing tips for rookies ...........................................................

Consider these tips before you head out the door:

Start on packed snow.Tromping through fluffy powder can leave you
breathless — it’s like heading away from the firm, wet shoreline and
slogging through deep, dry sand. The deeper the snow and the steeper
the terrain, the more exhausted you’ll feel.

When you’re in powder, go single-file, alternating positions to share
the burden of breaking trail(snowshoeing-speak for being the first
person to make a trail through fresh snow).You may find that you have
to take frequent breaks while snowshoeing in powder, because your
heart rate is likely to elevate rapidly.
Because snowshoeing is taxing and the air at high altitudes is dry, you
need to drink plenty of water.Wear a fanny pack with a water-bottle
holster or strap on a hydration pack designed for winter sports.

160 Part III: Getting to the Heart of the Matter

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