
(singke) #1
reason people may gain fat when they stop lifting weights is that they keep
their calorie intake the same but are no longer burning as many calories
throughout the day. Those extra calories are stored as fat.

Should I lose weight before I start lifting weights? .......................

Actually, no. Start weight training right away. Weight training can speed up
your metabolism and give you more muscle tone, better posture, and better
body proportions. In addition, lifting weight enhances your aerobic efforts.
With stronger muscles, you have more staying power on the stair-climber,
and you’re less apt to have a setback due to injury from your aerobic work-
outs. For example, you may be working out like gangbusters when, suddenly,
you feel a little twinge in your knee. You lay off for a couple days, which turns
into a couple years. You may be able to prevent this whole incident by
strengthening your knees. Plus, adding weight training to your new exercise
program gives you more variety and helps keep you motivated.

170 Part IV: Lift and Curl: Building a Stronger Bod with Weights

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