
(singke) #1
Our favorite exercises:Internal and external rotation, performed with an
exercise band, a dumbbell, or a weight plate, or on a cable crossover

Back ..............................................................................................................

Neglecting your back muscles is tempting because you don’t face them in the
mirror every day. But these muscles are just as important as the muscles in
the front of your body, particularly when it comes to injury prevention.

We know a man who injured his back while putting on his underwear in the
health-club locker room. He was lying on the floor stark naked for a few hours
before he let the staff members call a nurse. Trainers had repeatedly
reminded him to strengthen his lower-back muscles and abdominals. After
that incident, he finally listened.

Trapezius ............................................................................................

Given name:Trapezius

Street name:Traps

Whereabouts:Your trapeziusis a fairly large, kite-shaped muscle that spans
up into your neck, across your shoulders, and down to the center of your
back (see Figure 12-4).

Trapezius Rhomboids


Figure 12-4:

176 Part IV: Lift and Curl: Building a Stronger Bod with Weights

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