Special tips:Many people have sloppy posture when they do biceps
exercises — they rock their bodies back and forth to hoist the weight up.
Not only is this posture dangerous for your lower back, but it also makes
life too easy for your biceps. Pay special attention to form on bicep exer-
cises, and don’t use more weight than you can handle.
Our favorite exercises:Dumbbell biceps curl, concentration curl, barbell
biceps curl, and machine arm curl
Triceps ................................................................................................
Given name:Triceps
Street name:Tri(s)
Whereabouts:Your triceps are located at the back of your upper arm (refer
to Figure 12-7).
Job description:Your triceps do the opposite of what your biceps do; that is,
your triceps straighten your elbow. Your triceps help out your chest muscles
when you push something, like your 1966 Volkswagen Bug that has stalled at
an intersection.
The training payoff:Triceps exercises help firm up bingo arms.That’s when
the backs of your arms flap loosely away from the bones — a condition
common among people whose main form of physical activity is playing bingo.
Special tips:The triceps make up two-thirds of your upper-arm size, so if
you want a nice pair of arms, work these muscles. Working your triceps is
especially important if you often hold a briefcase or handbag while your
arm is straight. If your triceps are weak — and that’s common because these
muscles don’t get much work in daily life — you may be prone to elbow pain.
Our favorite exercises:Triceps kickback, bench dip, triceps press-down, and
triceps-extension machine or dumbbells/barbells.
Forearm muscles ...............................................................................
Given name:Wrist extensors and flexors
Street name:Wrist or forearm muscles
Whereabouts:These muscles run from the bottom of your elbow to your
wrist (refer to Figure 12-7).
182 Part IV: Lift and Curl: Building a Stronger Bod with Weights