Photograph by Sunstreak Productions, Inc.
Gym alternative: Leg-press machine
This is an excellent squat alternative for those who have chronic knee prob-
lems or who don’t have good balance. Set the leg-press machine so that when
you’re lying on your back, your shoulders fit snugly under the shoulder pads,
and your knees are bent to an inch or so below parallel to the foot plate.
Place your feet as wide as your hips with your feet pointing forward. Grasp
the handles. (See Figure 14-2.)
Pull your abdominals in and keep your head and shoulders on the back pad.
Push upward until your legs are nearly straight, just short of locking. Then
bend your knees, controlling the weight as you go down, until your thighs are
parallel to the foot plate.
Standing calf raise
The standing calf raise targets your calf muscles, particularly the larger, out-
ermost muscle that is responsible for the shape and size of your calves.
Getting set
Stand on the edge of a step. (Or, if you have a step-aerobics platform, place two
sets of risers underneath the platform.) Stand tall with your abdominals pulled
in, the balls of your feet firmly planted on the step, and your heels hanging
over the edge. Rest your hands against a wall or a sturdy object for balance.
Figure 14-1:
The squat
your butt
and works
218 Part IV: Lift and Curl: Building a Stronger Bod with Weights