Technique tips
Keep these tips in mind as you perform the standing calf raise:
Lift as high as you can onto your toes and lower your heels down as
much as your ankle flexibility allows.
Push evenly through the entire width of your foot.Don’t push off from
your big toe or the outside edge of your feet.
Gym alternative: Toe press on the leg-press machine
Lie on the leg-press machine with your shoulders snugly underneath the pad.
To lift the weight stack, straighten your legs completely, and carefully walk
your feet down the foot platform until your heels hang off the end. Keeping
your legs straight, rise up on your tiptoes as high as you can (see Figure 14-4)
and then lower down until your heels are below the level of the foot plate.
After you complete all the reps, carefully walk your feet back to the center of
the foot plate before bending your knees and lowering the weights.
Photograph by Sunstreak Productions, Inc.
One-arm dumbbell row
Exercising your upper back without machinery isn’t easy, but this move is
one that does a good job. The one-arm dumbbell row also strengthens your
biceps and shoulders. Be especially careful if you have lower-back problems.
Figure 14-4:
As an
to the
calf raise,
try the toe
press on the
220 Part IV: Lift and Curl: Building a Stronger Bod with Weights