Gym alternative: Vertical chest-press machine
Sit so that the center of your chest lines up with the center of the horizontal set
of handlebars. Press down on the foot bar so that the handles move forward.
Grip the horizontal handles and push them forward, straightening your arms.
Lift your feet from the foot bar so that the weight of the stack transfers into
your hands. Slowly bend your arms until your elbows are slightly behind your
chest (see Figure 14-8), and then push the handles forward until your arms are
straight. After you complete the set, put your feet back on the foot bar and let
go of the handles before you lower the weight stack all the way down.
Photograph by Sunstreak Productions, Inc.
Dumbbell shoulder press
The dumbbell shoulder press targets your shoulders, placing some emphasis
on your triceps and upper back. Use caution if you have lower-back, neck, or
elbow problems.
Getting set
Hold a dumbbell in each hand and sit on a bench with back support. Plant
your feet firmly on the floor about hip-width apart. Bend your elbows and
Figure 14-8:
The vertical
machine is
our pick for
a gym
to the
chest press.
224 Part IV: Lift and Curl: Building a Stronger Bod with Weights