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Chapter 3: Establishing Your Plan of Attack 39

Goals for the workout
Write down what you hope to accomplish during your workout, like complet-
ing the 20-minute Roller Coaster program on the stair-climber or swimming a
half mile. Rather than scribbling a few lines while you’re running from the
locker room into an aerobics class, fill in this section the night before or, better
yet, immediately following your last workout. This makes you stop and think
about just what it is that you’re trying to achieve. If you keep your goals in
mind, you may have more enthusiasm for your workout.

Cardiovascular training
Write down the type of activity, whether it’s stationary cycling, walking, skat-
ing, rowing, and so on. In the Time and Distance sections, note how long your
aerobic session lasted and (when applicable) how far you went — for example:

Day of the Week Date Conditions


Strength Training Weight Sets Reps


Cardiovascular Training Time Distance


Difficulty Rating

Figure 3-2:
A sample
workout log.

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