Jordan Ellenberg - Hogy ne tévedjünk - A mindennapi élet rejtett matematikája

(BlackTrush) #1








Walter F. R. Weldon (1906): „Inheritance in Animals and Plants”
Lectures on the Method of Science. Oxford, Clarendon
Press; Weldon tanulmányáról Stephen Stiglertől értesültem.
A. J. M. Broadribb–Daphne M. Humphreys: Diverticular
Disease. Three Studies, Part II. Treatment with Bran. British
Medical Journal 1, no. 6007, 1976. február, 425–28.
Anthony Petrosino–Carolyn Turpin-Petrosino–James O.
Finckenauer (2000): Well-Meaning Programs Can Have
Harmful Effects! Lessons from Experiments of Programs Such
as Scared Straight. Crime and Delinquency 46, no. 3, 354–79.

  1. fejezet
    Galton ellipszise
    Francis Galton (1890): Kinship and Correlation. North
    American Review 150, 419–31.
    A szórásdiagram történetéről szóló ismeretek innen valók:
    MichaelFriendly–Daniel Denis: The Early Origins and
    Development of the Scatterplot. Journal of the History of the
    Behavioral Sciences 41, 2005. tavasz, no. 2, 103–30.
    A Halley izogonatérképére vonatkozó adatok innen valók:
    Mark Monmonier (2000): Air Apparent. How Meteorologists
    Learned toMap, Predict, and Dramatize Weather. Chicago,
    University of Chicago Press, 24–25.
    Stanley A. Changnon–David Changnon–Thomas R. Karl (2006):
    Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Snowstorms in the
    Contiguous United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and
    Climatology 45, no. 8, 1141–55.

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