Complete Vue.js 2 Web Development_ Practical guide to building end-to-end web development solutions with Vue.js 2

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Optimizing your App and Using Components to Display Data Chapter 3

Resolving JavaScript errors

As with the team-member component, you are going to experience some errors in your

JavaScript console. These can be resolved by copying the filter data object and both the

changeFilter and isActiveFilterSelected methods from the parent instance. We'll

leave them in both the component and parent instance for now, but we'll remove the

duplication later:

Vue.component('filtering', {
template: '#filtering-template',
data() {
return {
filter: {
field: '',
query: ''
methods: {
isActiveFilterSelected() {
return (this.filter.field === 'isActive');
changeFilter(event) {
this.filter.query = '';
this.filter.field =;

Running the app will show both the filters and person listing, but the filters won't update
the people list as they are not communicating yet.

Using custom events to change the filter field

With custom events, you can pass data back up to the parent instances using the $on and

$emit functions. For this app, we are going to store the filtering data on the parent Vue

instance and update it from the component. The team-member component can then read

the data from the Vue instance and filter accordingly.

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