Complete Vue.js 2 Web Development_ Practical guide to building end-to-end web development solutions with Vue.js 2

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Navigating through the File Tree and Loading Folders from the URL Chapter 5

Now that we have a variable populated with the current path, we can pass it through to the

breadcrumb component as a prop. Add a new attribute to the breadcrumb with the path
variable as the value:

<breadcrumb :p="path"></breadcrumb>

Update the component to accept the prop as a string:

Vue.component('breadcrumb', {
template: '<div></div>',
props: {
p: String

The p attribute now contains the full path of where we are (for example

/images/holiday/summer). We want to break up this string so we can identify the folder

name and build the breadcrumb for the component to render.

Create a computed object on the component and create a new function titled folders().

This is going to create the breadcrumb array for us to loop through in the template:

computed: {
folders() {

We now need to set up some variables for us to use. Create a new, empty array called

output. This is where we are going to build up our breadcrumb. We also need an empty

variable titled slug as a string. The slug variable refers to a part of a URL and its use was

made popular by WordPress. The last variable is the path created as an array. As we know,
each folder is separated by a /, we can use this to explode or split the string into various


computed: {
folders() {
let output = [],
slug = '',
parts = this.p.split('/');

If we were to look at the parts variable for our Summer folder, it would look like the


['images', 'holiday', 'summer']
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