Complete Vue.js 2 Web Development_ Practical guide to building end-to-end web development solutions with Vue.js 2

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Navigating through the File Tree and Loading Folders from the URL Chapter 5

First, in the getFolderStructure function, we can remove the first line where the URL

hash gets set to the path. This is because the URL has already been updated when the link

is used. Remove this line from your code:

window.location.hash = path;

Second, there is now repetition in the Dropbox component with the this.path variable

and the p prop. Eliminating this requires some slight reworking, as you are not allowed to

modify a prop directly as you are with the path; however, it needs to be kept in sync so the

breadcrumb can be correctly rendered.

Remove the path property from the data object in the Dropbox component, and also delete

the this.path = path line from the getFolderStructure function.

Next, update the prop to be equal to path, not p. This will also require the watch function

to be updated to watch the path variable and not p().

Update the created method to just use this.path as the parameter to the function. The

Dropbox component should now look like this:

Vue.component('dropbox-viewer', {
template: '#dropbox-viewer-template',
props: {
path: String
data() {
return {
accessToken: 'XXXX',
structure: {},
isLoading: true
methods: {
dropbox() {
return new Dropbox({
accessToken: this.accessToken
getFolderStructure(path) {
path: path,
include_media_info: true
.then(response => {
const structure = {
folders: [],
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