Complete Vue.js 2 Web Development_ Practical guide to building end-to-end web development solutions with Vue.js 2

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Pre-Caching Other Folders and Files for Faster Navigation Chapter 7

for(let parent of parents) {

We can now fire this method once when the Dropbox component gets created. Add it after

the existing method call in the created function:

created() {

We can now do some housekeeping and delete the mounted method from the breadcrumb

component, along with the props object and the :cache prop from the view. This means

our breadcrumb component is now simpler than it was before:

Vue.component('breadcrumb', {
template: '<div>' +
'<span v-for="(f, i) in folders">' +
'<a :href="\'#\' + f.path">{{ || 'Home' }}</a>' +
'<i v-if="i !== (folders.length - 1)"> » </i>' +
'</span>' +
computed: {
folders() {
return this.$store.state.breadcrumb;

The HTML returns to what it was:


We can also tidy up the updateHash mutation in the store to be a bit neater and more


updateHash(state, val) {
let path = (window.location.hash.substring(1) || ''),
breadcrumb = [],
slug = '',
parts = path.split('/');

for (let item of parts) {
slug += item;
breadcrumb.push({'name': item || 'home', 'path': slug});
slug += '/';
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