Building an E-Commerce Store - Browsing Products Chapter 10
For example, if you were showing 12 items per page and you had 14 products, that would
yield a result of 1.1666 pages – which is not a valid page number. Rounding this up ensures
we have two pages to display our products. To do this, use the Math.ceil() JavaScript
function. We can also add the total number of products to our output. Check the following
code for using the Math.ceil() function:
pagination() {
if(this.products) {
let totalProducts = this.products.length;
return {
totalProducts: totalProducts,
totalPages: Math.ceil(totalProducts / this.perPage)
The next calculation we need to do is work out what the current range of products for the
current page is. This is a little more complicated, as not only do we need to work out what
we need from the page number, but the array slicing is based on the item index – which
means the first item is 0.
To work out where to take our slice from, we can use the following calculation:
(current page number * items per page) – items per page
The final subtraction may seem odd, but it means on page 1 , the result is 0. This allows us
to work out at which index we need to slice the products array.
As another example, if we were on page three, the result would be 24, which is where the
third page would start. The end of the slice is then this result plus the number of items per
page. The advantage of this means we can update the items per page and all of our
calculations will update.
Create an object inside the pagination result with these two results – this will allow us to
access them later easily:
pagination() {
if(this.products) {
let totalProducts = this.products.length,
pageFrom = (this.currentPage * this.perPage) - this.perPage;
return {
totalProducts: totalProducts,
totalPages: Math.ceil(totalProducts / this.perPage),
range: {
from: pageFrom,