Building an E-Commerce Store - Browsing Products Chapter 10
negativePoint = 1;
if(positivePoint > this.pagination.totalPages) {
positivePoint = this.pagination.totalPages;
for (var i = negativePoint; i <= positivePoint; i++) {
return pages;
We can now replace the pagination.totalPages variable in our navigation component
with the new pageLinks variable and the correct number of links will be created, as shown
<li v-for="page in pageLinks">
<button @click="toPage(page)">{{ page }}</button>
Viewing this in the browser, however, will render some odd behavior. Although the correct
number of links will be generated, clicking on them or using the next/previous buttons will
cause the buttons to remain the same – even if you navigate out of the range of the buttons.
This is because the computed value is cached. We can combat this in two ways – either
move the function into the method object or, alternatively, add a watch function to watch
the route and update the current page.
Opting for the second option means we can ensure no other results and outputs get cached
and are updated accordingly. Add a watch object to your component and update the
currentPage variable to that of the page query variable. Ensure it exists, otherwise default
to one. The watch method is as shown here:
watch: {
'$route'(to) {
this.currentPage = parseInt( || 1;