Complete Vue.js 2 Web Development_ Practical guide to building end-to-end web development solutions with Vue.js 2

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Building an E-Commerce Store - Browsing Products Chapter 10

With that, we have our category products listed out for each category.

Code optimization

With our CategoryPage component complete, we can see a lot of similarities between that

and the home page – the only difference being the home page has a fixed product array. To

save repetition, we can combine these two components – meaning we only have to ever

update one if we need to.

We can address the fixed array issue by displaying it when we identify that we are on the
home page. The way of doing that is to check if the slug prop has a value. If not, we can

assume we are on the home page.

First, update the Home route to point to the CategoryPage component and enable props.

When using named views, you have to enable props for each of the views. Update the
props value to be an object with each of the named views, enabling the props for each:

path: '/',
name: 'Home',
components: {
default: CategoryPage,
sidebar: ListCategories
props: {
default: true,
sidebar: true

Next, create a new variable in the data function of the CategoryPage, titled

categoryHome. This is going to be an object that follows the same structure as the category

objects, containing a products array, title, and handle. Although the handle won't be used,

it is good practice to follow conventions:

data() {
return {
categoryNotFound: false,
categoryHome: {
title: 'Welcome to the Shop',
handle: 'home',
products: [
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