Complete Vue.js 2 Web Development_ Practical guide to building end-to-end web development solutions with Vue.js 2

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testing 380
state, of components
animating 413 , 414 , 415 , 416
animating between 109
static props
using 216
store mutation
creating 349 , 350
linking to 206
subfolders, caching
about 167 , 178
app methods, planning 168
data, displaying with displayFolderStructure
method 173
displayFolderStructure method 174
getFolderStructure method 169 , 170 , 171


viewing 378
adding, between routes 478 , 479 , 480
Tween.js library 415
Typicode 434


UMD (Universal Module Definition) module 508
universal applications
building, with Electron 602 , 604 , 606
unpkg service
reference 146
URL change
structure, updating with 135 , 136 , 137
URL hash
error message, displaying 131
updating 129
used, for navigating through folders 129
updating, on checkbox filter change 340
user data
validating, before sending 431 , 432 , 433


v-else directive 23 , 24
v-for directive 25
v-html directive
about 20 , 21
used, for creating links 27 , 28
v-if directive 22 , 23
variations display table
about 261
key, used with loops 261
variations, displaying in table 262 , 264 , 265 ,
displaying, in select box 269 , 274
URL 390
Vue components data
inspecting 376
Vue components
creating 61 , 62
initializing 62 , 63
Vue content
displaying 32 , 33
hiding 32 , 33
Vue data
setting, outside of instance 135 , 136 , 137
Vue devtools
about 660 , 662
Vue JavaScript
number of hard-coded variables, reducing 58
redundancy, reducing 58
Vue library 9
Vue life cycle hooks 100 , 102
Vue plugin
working 553
folder, modifying for 204
initializing 200 , 202
installing 200 , 202
pages, loading dynamically 572 , 573 , 575 , 576
used, for creating SPA 457
Vue.js developer tools
using 376
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