Optimizing your App and Using Components to Display Data Chapter 3
And the HTML:
<modal-window :visible="true">
<h1 slot="header">Modal Title</h1>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ut rutrum ante, a
ultrices felis. Quisque sodales diam non mi blandit
dapibus. </p>
<p slot="footer">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ut rutrum
ante, a ultrices felis. Quisque sodales diam non mi
blandit dapibus. </p>
<div slot="buttons">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-
Although we won't be utilizing slots with our people listing app, it's good to be aware of
the capabilities of a Vue component. If you wished to use a modal box like this, you can set
the visibility to a variable that is false by default. You can then add a button with a click
method that changes the variable from false to true—displaying the modal box.
Creating a repeatable component
The beauty of components is being able to use them multiple times in the same view. This
gives you the ability to have one single "source of truth" for the layout of that data. We're
going to make a repeatable component for our people list and a separate component for the
filtering section.
Open your people listing code you created in the last couple of chapters and create a new
component titled team-member. Don't forget to define the component before your Vue app
is initialized. Add a prop to the component to allow the person object to be passed in. For
validation purposes, only specify that it can be an Object:
Vue.component('team-member', {
props: {
person: Object