Complete Vue.js 2 Web Development_ Practical guide to building end-to-end web development solutions with Vue.js 2

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Optimizing your App and Using Components to Display Data Chapter 3

We are building this app for scalability, so it's advisable to make computed functions for

each value—it will also have the advantage of tidying up our template. Create three

functions in the computed object titled balance, dateRegistered, and status. Copy the

corresponding parts of the format function across to each one, updating the reference of

person to this.person once more.

Where we were retrieving the field using a function parameter, you can now fix the value

in each function. You will also need to add a data object with the currency symbol for the
balance function—add this after the props:

data() {
return {
currency: '$'

As the team-member component is the only place our currency symbol is used, we can

remove it from the Vue app itself. We can also remove the format function from our parent

Vue instance.

In total, our Vue team-member component should look like:

Vue.component('team-member', {
template: '#team-member-template',
props: {
person: Object
data() {
return {
currency: '$'
computed: {
* CSS Classes
activeClass() {
return this.person.isActive? 'active' :
balanceClass() {
let balanceLevel = 'success';
if(this.person.balance < 2000) {
balanceLevel = 'error';
} else if (this.person.balance < 3000) {
balanceLevel = 'warning';
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