
(Nancy Kaufman) #1



Now that you’re spending
your days soaking up the sun,
lazing by the pool, and chowing
down at barbecues, you need a
go-to beverage. This summer,
forget the canned sodas and get
back to basics with creative, fruity,
infused waters. Cucumber, lime,
and rosemary. Nectarine, lemon,
and lavender. Even strawberry,
mint, and a touch of vodka for
a bit of boozy fun. The flavorful
infusions are limitless, so water
you waiting for? The summer
sips start here.
Cucumber Lime
Wa t e r

Wa t e r Boozy
Berry Water

So long, La Croix! This summer, we’re thinking outside the can
for our own deliciously healthy DIY drinks.


98 VegNews SUMMER 2019

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