Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

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Building the Real Application

We have covered the basic components that we need to have knowledge of in order to

build a full-stack JavaScript application. From this point on, we will work on building a

whole web application using all of these technologies.

We will be building a movie rating application that will have the following features

throughout this book:

A home page that lists all the movies with other attributes
There will be an admin section where the administrator will be able to add
The user will be able to log in and sign up
The user will be able to rate a movie
There will be a movie profile section where the logged-in user can rate the movie

So, let's get started.

Introducing Vue.js

Vue.js is an open source, progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. The
rise of new JavaScript frameworks has been tremendous. With such growth, you might get

confused about where to get started and how. There are hundreds
of JavaScript frameworks today; among them, there are dozens of frameworks that stood

out. But still, to choose from those dozens might be a daunting task.

There are quite a few popular frameworks today, such as React, Ember, and Angular. While
these frameworks have their own advantages, there are some limitations to them as well.

While building an application with React or Angular is good in itself, Vue.js helps eliminate
some of the limitations associated with these frameworks.

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