Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

(singke) #1
Building the Real Application Chapter 5

on the beaches of Dunkirk. Under air and ground cover from British and
French forces, troops were slowly and methodically evacuated from the beach
using every serviceable naval and civilian vessel that could be found. At
the end of this heroic mission, 330,000 French, British, Belgian and Dutch
soldiers were safely evacuated.
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<div class="headline">The Revenant</div>
<span class="grey--text">2015 ‧ Drama/Thriller ‧ 2h 36m</span>
While exploring the uncharted wilderness in 1823, frontiersman
Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) sustains life-threatening injuries from a
brutal bear attack. When a member (Tom Hardy) of his hunting team kills his
young son (Forrest Goodluck) and leaves him for dead, Glass must utilize
his survival skills to find a way back to civilization. Grief-stricken and
fueled by vengeance, the legendary fur trapper treks through the snowy
terrain to track down the man who betrayed him.
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