Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

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Introducing MEVN Chapter 1

There are a lot of technologies to choose from for the frontend and backend while
developing an application. While this book uses Express.js for the backend, there are other

frameworks as well, which you can learn if you want.

The other available backend frameworks are Meteor.js, Sails.js, Hapi.js, Mojito, Koa.js,
and many others.

Similarly, for the frontend, the technologies include Vue.js, React, Angular, Backbone, and
many more.

For databases, the options, other than MongoDB, are MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cassandra, and


Introducing MEVN

JavaScript frameworks are rising day by day, both in terms of numbers and their usage.

JavaScript used to be implemented only for the client-side logic but, over the years, it has
seen significant growth and now it is used both on frontends and backends.

Express.js in the MEVN stack is used to manage all the backend-related stuff and Vue.js

handles all the view-related stuff. The advantages of using an MEVN stack are as follows:

One language is used throughout the whole application, which means the only
language you need to know is JavaScript
Understanding the client side and server side is very easy with one language
Its very fast and reliable application with the non-blocking I/O of Node.js
Its a great way to keep updated on the growing ecosystem of JavaScript

Installing Node.js

To get started, we need to add all the dependencies that are required for an MEVN stack

application. We can also refer to the documentation on the official website (https:/​/

nodejs.​org/​) for details on how to install Node.js in any operating system.

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