Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

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Introducing Vuex Chapter 8

Data caching: SPAs cache the data in the local storage. It only makes a single
request the first time and saves the data. This makes the application available
even when the internet is cut off.

Cons of using SPAs

There are few downsides of using SPAs as well:

SPAs are not SEO friendly. Since everything is done on a single page, the
crawlability is very low.
You cannot share a particular piece of information with others since there is the
only one link to the page.
Security concerns are much greater with SPAs than in MPAs.

An introduction to Vuex

Vuex is a state management library that is specifically designed to work with applications

built with Vue.js. It is centralized state management for Vuex.

Core concepts of Vuex

We got a glimpse of these core concepts in the introduction. Now, let's dive into a little bit

more detail on each of these concepts:

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