Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

(singke) #1
Introducing MEVN Chapter 1

In the end, it will create a package.json file, which will have the following content:

Installing MongoDB

MongoDB is the first part of the technology in the MEVN stack. MongoDB is a free and

open source document-based database published under a GNU license. It is a NoSQL
database, meaning it is a non-relational database. Unlike relational databases, which use

tables and rows to represent data, MongoDB uses collections and documents. MongoDB

represents the data as a collection of JSON documents. It provides us with the flexibility to
add fields in whatever way we want. Each document in a single collection can have a

totally different structure. Aside from adding fields, it also provides the flexibility to
change the fields from document to document in whatever way we want, something that is

a cumbersome task in relational databases.

The benefits of MongoDB compared to Relational

Database Management Systems (RDBMS)

MongoDB offers a lot of benefits compared to Relational Database Management Systems:

Schema-less architecture: MongoDB does not require us to design a specific
schema for its collections. A schema for one document can vary, with another
document being totally different.
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