Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

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Introducing MEVN Chapter 1

Each document is stored in a JSON-structured format.
Querying and Indexing the MongoDB is very easy.
MongoDB is a free and open source program.

Installing MongoDB on macOS

There are two ways to install MongoDB. We can either download it from the official
MongoDB website (https:/​/​www.​mongodb.​org/​downloads#production) or we can use

Homebrew to install it.

Installing MongoDB by downloading

  1. Download the version of MongoDB you want from https:/​/​www.​mongodb.​com/

  2. Copy the downloaded gzipped to the root folder. Adding it to the root folder will
    allow us to use it globally:

$ cd Downloads
$ mv mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.0.7.tgz ~/

  1. Unzip the gzipped file:

$ tar -zxvf mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.0.7.tgz

  1. Create a directory that will be used by Mongo to save data:

$ mkdir -p /data/db

  1. Now, to check if the installation was done successfully, start the Mongo server:

$ ~/mongodb/bin/mongod

Here, we have successfully installed and started the mongo server.

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